Home gardening can be an excellent way to “get your hands dirty” when understanding where your food comes from. Whether you are looking to do some small container gardens, a raised bed garden, or tilling up a half acre of your yard, gardening provides food, movement, and connection to the Earth that is good for the mind, body, and soul.
Here are some resources we recommend exploring to support a successful home garden:
Gardening for Beginners
Enjoy the video above. Also, gain extra insight for watering your garden from Iowa State University’s: Yard and Garden: Properly Watering Your Garden
ISU’s Preparing Your Garden and Landscape for Winter
Additional Resources:

Raising Backyard Chickens
Explore Iowa State University’s full “How to Raise Backyard Chickens” video series available on their website, including tips on types of structures, how to feed, breed, over Winter your chickens and more!