PFI Fall Farminar Series

PFI Farminars are held every Tuesday at 7 p.m. CST, each focusing on a unique production or business management topic. All presentations are led by an experienced farmer or subject-matter expert, and attendees are able to ask questions in real time using a chatbox while they listen and watch a slideshow. The presentations are free for anyone with an internet connection.

To participate in a live farminar, visit

The series includes:

  • November 13 – “Understanding and Managing Impacts of Farmed Prairie Potholes” – Amy Kaleita, Steven Hall
  • November 20 – “Getting Started Growing and Marketing Unusual Fruits” – Tim Clymer
  • November 27 – “Where to Begin With Winter Wheat Production” – Kristy and Bob Walker, Paul Ackley
  • December 4 – “Grazing Cover Crops with Sheep” – Richard EhrhardtDecember 11 – “Organic Seedling Production” – Paul Betz
  • December 18 – “Managing Disease in Organic Vegetable Crops” – Beth Kazmar

Date(s) - Tuesday, December 18, 2018
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Contact: Practical Farmers of Iowa (PFI)


Price: Free