Grow. Eat. Play.

Grow. Eat. Play is a local foods campaign all about spreading the word on finding, growing, and eating local food, and understanding why it matters.

Iowa MarketMaker

Iowa MarketMaker is an interactive mapping system that locates businesses and markets of agricultural products in Iowa, providing an important link between producers and consumers.  Producers, include MarketMaker in your marketing plan as a way for food buyers to find you.

Choose Iowa

Choose Iowa’s vision is to connect consumers to Iowa produce and food products and expand markets for Iowa farmers. Choose Iowa provides consumers a choice in purchasing food items that originate as an agricultural commodity produced on Iowa farms. The brand promotes foods, beverages and other agricultural products that are grown, raised or made within Iowa. Foods must meet or exceed minimum criteria to proudly wear the Choose Iowa logo on their package or label.

Visit Iowa Farms

Agritourism is a growing segment of the rural economy in many areas of Iowa. This website is your guide to rich and educational agricultural experiences in Iowa.  Register your farm as a site to visit.

Farming the Web: Online Marketing for Small Farm Businesses

A social media marketing workshop hosted in March 2020 by Healthy Harvest of North Iowa, with guest presenter Ash Bruxvoort from Amethyst Content Marketing.

Finding Your Voice on Video: A Farm Marketing Workshop

In this free workshop, learn about different types of videos you can use to market your business and when you would use each one depending on your goal. Leave with a short video you can share on social media and a process you can implement over and over again.

Boost. Social Media Coaching

A social media training series from Iowa Valley RC & D.


Canva is an online design and publishing tool with a mission to empower everyone in the world to design anything and publish anywhere.