At the North Iowa Local Food Coalition’s quarterly meeting in June, attendees had the opportunity to tour the newly-opened Garden Corridor Edible Arboretum in Charles City. The tour was led by Wendy Johnson, a local farmer and environmental advocate. This arboretum is an edible landscape that demonstrates methods of growing perennial foods, utilizing plants that are able to grow in our region in planters, gardens, yards, and parks. This space also features conservation projects including stormwater management features, permeable paving strategies, and water quality initiatives. The arboretum is open to all people to learn and pick your own food. Some of the things available to try are: fruits, berries, nuts, and more!

Wendy also gave a detailed look into the Clark Street Community Gardens, just across the street from the Arboretum. After the tour, attendees walked to a nearby brewery for snacks, refreshments, and discussions.

Learn more about upcoming meetings and our coalition at