Who We Are


Healthy Harvest of North Iowa works to build a thriving network for locally produced foods.


The vision of Healthy Harvest of North Iowa is for everyone in North Iowa to have the opportunity to enjoy local foods.


Our priority focuses are production, distribution and retail, access and consumption and organizational capacity.


Healthy Harvest of North Iowa is a nonprofit organization that works to build a thriving network for locally produced foods..

We are a network of local food leaders across North Iowa including farm and food business owners, consumers, elected officials, community leaders, public health, educators, economic development, and more!

Current Projects

We serve producers by coordinating educational workshops, encouraging producer networking and collaboration, providing technical support, and working on expanded market development. Key programs include the North Iowa Local Food Connection, Shared Kitchen Pilot Program, and the Grow. Eat. Play. Marketing Campaign.

We serve consumers by promoting the purchase and consumption of locally produced foods through farmers markets, restaurants, and retail locations. Key programing includes recipe demonstrations at farmers markets, kids cooking classes, and promotion of local products through our online searchable database and recipe database.

We serve our communities by connecting producers and food businesses and beginning local food system conversations that lead to programming. Key programing includes Farm to School efforts and farmers’ market support.

We also pursue these priorities at the regional and statewide level by developing partnerships and leading discussions on numerous connections throughout our regional food system. Key programing includes: facilitation of the North Iowa Local Food Coalition, co-hosting the annual North Iowa Green Expo & Market, and participating and leading key efforts of the Iowa Food System Coalition.


As part of Iowa’s regional food development network, Healthy Harvest is active in nine counties, including Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Floyd, Hancock, Kossuth, Mitchell, Winnebago, Worth, and Wright..

Andrea Evelsizer
Executive Director

Pam Aitchison
Farmers Market Coordinator

Marie Morud
Farm to School Coordinator

Mallory DeVries
Communications Director